Even if you have asthma attacks are rare, you still have to treat your asthma. Swelling and inflammation in the airways may cause permanent changes in the airways and lungs hurt you. Many people have active asthma. Although asthma is a lifelong disease, treatment can control your asthma and stay healthy.
What causes asthma?
Experts do not know exactly what causes asthma. But there are some things we know:
- Asthma disease is hereditary.
- The disease of asthma is much more common in people with allergies, although not everyone with allergies gets asthma. And not everyone with allergies have asthma.
- The pollution may cause asthma or make it worse.
Any asthma symptoms?
Asthma symptoms can be mild or severe. You may have mild attacks now and then, or perhaps a severe asthma symptoms every day, or maybe perpaduannya. How often do you have these symptoms can also be changed. If you have asthma, you can:
- Sigh, make the hard or soft whistling noise that occurs when you breathe in and out.
- Coughing.
- Feeling tightness in the chest.
- Feeling short of breath.
- Difficulty sleeping because of cough or difficult breathing.
- Fast tired during exercise or sports.
Your symptoms may be worse at night.Severe asthma attacks can be life threatening and require emergency care.
How is asthma diagnosed?
Along with doing a physical exam and ask about your health, your doctor may perform lung function tests. These tests include: These tests include:
Asthma Drugs?
There are two parts for the treatment of asthma. The aim is to:
- Long-term asthma control. To do this, use a daily asthma treatment plan. This is a written plan which informs about the drugs taken. It also helps you track your symptoms and know all too well care / treatment is working. Many people take controller medicine is usually inhaled corticosteroid daily. Using a controller medicine every day helps reduce inflammation in the airways and prevent attacks. The doctor will show you how to use the suction properly. It is important that you get the correct amount of medication to help you breathe better.
- The treatment when asthma attacks occur. Using asthma action plan, which tells you what to do when you have an asthma attack. Help you identify the triggers that can cause your asthma attacks. Your use of rescue medications, such as albuterol, during an attack.
How can you prevent asthma attacks?
You can prevent some asthma attacks by avoiding things that cause them. These are called triggers. Triggers can be:
- Irritants in the air like cigarette smoke or air pollution. Do not smoke, and try to avoid smoking around them.
- The things you are allergic to it, such as pet fur (cat, dog), dust, cockroaches, or pollen. If you can avoid the things you are allergic to it. It may also help to make sure to select the type of allergy medication.
- Ask about the doctor uses inhalers (vacuum) if the exercise can trigger you.
- Other things such as heat, cold, infection, or drugs such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Try not to exercise outside when it was cold and heat. Talking to your doctor about some vaccines to prevent infection, and ask about what medicines you should avoid.
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