Scientists are always trying to innovate to improve the world, but unfortunately there are just people who use it for something bad for himself. Below is a list of important discoveries and is intended for good but it ended with a catastrophe that sacrificing the environment and human lives.
1. Ziklon B
1. Ziklon B
Fritz Haber was Jewish scientist who won the Nobel prize for creating a low nitrogen fertilizer and also make chemical weapons for the Germans in World War I. Insecticides are used for fumigation findings in rice store which is responsible for the death of 1.2 million people. Zyklon B was a favorite method of execution in the gas space during combustion.

2.Agent Orange
Arthur Galston to make a chemical that can accelerate the growth of soybean and allows it to be grown in areas with short seasons. Unfortunately, the high concentration of this material it will defoliate soybeans and function of this material is then replaced by a herbicide (weed eradication), although Galston worried about its impact on humans.
This material is supplied to the U.S. government in an orange-striped barrels and 77 million liters of Agent Orange sprayed in Vietnam that caused 400 000 500 000 deaths and disabilities with birth defects.

3.Gatling Gun
Richard Jordan Gatling Gatling gun mencuptakan after he recorded over the deaths of Americans due to disease rather than gunfire. It made me realize that I could find a tool (weapon) that the speed of his shot could make a person able to fight as a thousand people, it will menurangi number of troops needed and I was feeling it will be easier to prepare food for the soldiers."
Gatling guns are used almost successfully to expand European colonial empire with troops mercilessly torturing natives with primitive weapons.

Joseph Wilbrand was a German chemist who discovered Trinitrotoluene in the year 1863 that is used to dye yellow. But not until the year 1902 while realizing the power of TNT explosives and used as a weapon widely by the two sides during World War I and World War II. Until now, no TNT was used in the military.

5. Gasoline with Lead
Thomas Midgley is the one who found the Freon refrigerant CFC as a safe material to replace the poisonous materials such as an ammonia coolant in use widely. However, this material is generated from apparently extensive damage the ozone layer.
Other popular idea is to add lead to gasoline Tetraethyl lead the global health problems and death from lead poisoning. He is regarded as the man who "gave the most impact on the atmosphere than anyone else in the history of the earth."

6.Sarin Gases
Dr. Gerhard Schrader was a German chemist who specializes in the discovery of new insecticides, hoping to make progress for the sake of the fight against hunger in the world. However, Dr. Schrader is known for the discovery of dangerous toxic gases such as sarin and, year, and because of this, sometimes he was called the "father of poisonous gas."

7. Nuclear Fusions
Sir Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant was the first person menngetahui if the nucleus of solid hydrogen can be reacted with one another. This fusion reaction is the basis of the hydrogen bomb. Ten years later, the American scientist Edward Teller to make it deepens the invention Oliphant. However, Oliphant who just want to know the structure of atomic nuclei are not estimates of future usage.

8. Rockets
Although passion and dream is to use a rocket astronomy in exploring outer space, the work of Wernher von Braun used to make the Nazi V2 rockets that killed 7250 soldiers and civilians and estimated 20 000 workers during construction.
Then, in the U.S. he made an ICBM range missile that could carry more explosives nuklir once carried around the world before he saves his reputation by making the Saturn V rocket that brought people to the moon.

9. Concentration Camp
Frederick Roberts, Prince Roberts first made the refugee camps to provide protection to civilians attacked by the family who left his home for various reasons in the Boer War. However, when Lord Kitchener replaces Roberts as chief commander in South Africa in 1900, the British army with the aim of introducing new tactics to crush the guerrilla attacks and the current growth of civilians.
Kitchener initiated a plan to "get rid of a series of guerrilla attacks in gerkan systematic, organized like a sporting shoot, with success defined with a bag of dead, captured and wounded, and to clean sweep the country from anything that can provide food for the perpetrators of the attack the guerrillas, including women and children. "
The strategy worked to catch 28,000 people as a Boer prisoner of war and another 25 630 were drowned into the sea. Most of the rest of the Boer people in local camps were women and children.More than 26,000 women and children died in these concentration camps.


Anton KÃllisch make a 3.4-metilendioksimetamfetamin as a result of his research in the form of drugs to combat abnormal bleeding. The research was ignored for 70 years to become popular among dance club in the early 80s. Rave and stems from the habit (dance party) at the end of the 80s who adopted the drug Ecstasy as pilihanlah that make MDMA into four major illegal drug that killed about 50 people per year in the UK. Discoverer died in World War I.
Arthur Galston to make a chemical that can accelerate the growth of soybean and allows it to be grown in areas with short seasons. Unfortunately, the high concentration of this material it will defoliate soybeans and function of this material is then replaced by a herbicide (weed eradication), although Galston worried about its impact on humans.
This material is supplied to the U.S. government in an orange-striped barrels and 77 million liters of Agent Orange sprayed in Vietnam that caused 400 000 500 000 deaths and disabilities with birth defects.

3.Gatling Gun
Richard Jordan Gatling Gatling gun mencuptakan after he recorded over the deaths of Americans due to disease rather than gunfire. It made me realize that I could find a tool (weapon) that the speed of his shot could make a person able to fight as a thousand people, it will menurangi number of troops needed and I was feeling it will be easier to prepare food for the soldiers."
Gatling guns are used almost successfully to expand European colonial empire with troops mercilessly torturing natives with primitive weapons.

Joseph Wilbrand was a German chemist who discovered Trinitrotoluene in the year 1863 that is used to dye yellow. But not until the year 1902 while realizing the power of TNT explosives and used as a weapon widely by the two sides during World War I and World War II. Until now, no TNT was used in the military.

5. Gasoline with Lead
Thomas Midgley is the one who found the Freon refrigerant CFC as a safe material to replace the poisonous materials such as an ammonia coolant in use widely. However, this material is generated from apparently extensive damage the ozone layer.
Other popular idea is to add lead to gasoline Tetraethyl lead the global health problems and death from lead poisoning. He is regarded as the man who "gave the most impact on the atmosphere than anyone else in the history of the earth."

6.Sarin Gases
Dr. Gerhard Schrader was a German chemist who specializes in the discovery of new insecticides, hoping to make progress for the sake of the fight against hunger in the world. However, Dr. Schrader is known for the discovery of dangerous toxic gases such as sarin and, year, and because of this, sometimes he was called the "father of poisonous gas."

7. Nuclear Fusions
Sir Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant was the first person menngetahui if the nucleus of solid hydrogen can be reacted with one another. This fusion reaction is the basis of the hydrogen bomb. Ten years later, the American scientist Edward Teller to make it deepens the invention Oliphant. However, Oliphant who just want to know the structure of atomic nuclei are not estimates of future usage.

8. Rockets
Although passion and dream is to use a rocket astronomy in exploring outer space, the work of Wernher von Braun used to make the Nazi V2 rockets that killed 7250 soldiers and civilians and estimated 20 000 workers during construction.
Then, in the U.S. he made an ICBM range missile that could carry more explosives nuklir once carried around the world before he saves his reputation by making the Saturn V rocket that brought people to the moon.

9. Concentration Camp
Frederick Roberts, Prince Roberts first made the refugee camps to provide protection to civilians attacked by the family who left his home for various reasons in the Boer War. However, when Lord Kitchener replaces Roberts as chief commander in South Africa in 1900, the British army with the aim of introducing new tactics to crush the guerrilla attacks and the current growth of civilians.
Kitchener initiated a plan to "get rid of a series of guerrilla attacks in gerkan systematic, organized like a sporting shoot, with success defined with a bag of dead, captured and wounded, and to clean sweep the country from anything that can provide food for the perpetrators of the attack the guerrillas, including women and children. "
The strategy worked to catch 28,000 people as a Boer prisoner of war and another 25 630 were drowned into the sea. Most of the rest of the Boer people in local camps were women and children.More than 26,000 women and children died in these concentration camps.


Anton KÃllisch make a 3.4-metilendioksimetamfetamin as a result of his research in the form of drugs to combat abnormal bleeding. The research was ignored for 70 years to become popular among dance club in the early 80s. Rave and stems from the habit (dance party) at the end of the 80s who adopted the drug Ecstasy as pilihanlah that make MDMA into four major illegal drug that killed about 50 people per year in the UK. Discoverer died in World War I.
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