1. Super Digital Libraries
Increased Internet connectivity is a major cause of interaction between the library easily with one another. Digital libraries are no longer just on access in a LAN or WAN environment but have formed a kind of super-accessible library people from all over the world.
Strong support by major server and database that has been owned by some of the library, especially with international standards. Although all the information that there is not all what you get for free.
Library space is no longer filled with piles of books but a quality line of servers and a huge capacity which contains various millions of e-book.
Let's take the example of an existing trend now for example, MIT has a course can be conducted online or trend "Google Book Search". With the era of super digital library of all your questions on various things can be answered quickly.
Increased Internet connectivity is a major cause of interaction between the library easily with one another. Digital libraries are no longer just on access in a LAN or WAN environment but have formed a kind of super-accessible library people from all over the world.
Library space is no longer filled with piles of books but a quality line of servers and a huge capacity which contains various millions of e-book.
Let's take the example of an existing trend now for example, MIT has a course can be conducted online or trend "Google Book Search". With the era of super digital library of all your questions on various things can be answered quickly.
2. Gene Therapy and / or Stem Cells
Efforts to become more frequent genetic modification developed by scientists, alter gene is no longer the impossible can even be done easily. Trick or genetically modify certain cells will grow rapidly. Can even be as easy as changing your blog template.
3. Therapeutic Cloning
Technology klonning human body parts will develop. The aim is for health, such as cancer, chronic disease that must be lifted so it need a klonningan order to have the same characteristics of the members of the body in the lift. For if the replacement does not have the same characteristics, other members of the body can resist.
4. The spread of Wireless Internet Technology
WiMAX, 3G, 4G and beyond will be easily spread to the whole world up to the corners. Any person can go online anywhere anytime. That would imply increasingly easy connectivity with a variety of communications equipment platforms. Suppose you want to connect your home burglar alarm with Mobile you will be very easy.
5. Mobile Robots
Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has had a program since 2005 to hold the DARPA Chalenge (robot car contest). Car-nmobil without crew and without remote control. He can run a given task to deliver something to the destination by knowing the road map and it's subleties.
This technology has been developed by the U.S. military to minimize casualties in case of war the town, its original destination is a car with a pen-supply mission to penetrate the road, maneuvering, navigating a reliable machine-based intelligence and robot technology.
This machine is also equipped with sensors and positioning the super-sophisticated. The tool is able to explain all the characteristics of the environment through which to bring a given task.
6. Location-Based Computing
This technology has been developed by TED company where the project was developed by a young man from India, Pranav Mistry with a technology called sixth sense technology.
Everything you can enter data into the world as you wish your thoughts. Suppose you imagine using your palms to the phone it can be done, or a piece of paper for browsing can be done only with a set of tools that can menghubungankan world with the data.
7. Desktop 3D Printing
Fore you can create and download three-dimensional design and print directly on your desktop with a 3D printer technology. The next step will be used to design your own gadgets. Design your child's toys, household appliances, etc.
8. The Hydrogen Economy
The use of technology for transforming water into hydrogen or other gases. This means that water can be used as fuel. Research, some scientists claimed that the elements contained in the hydrogen can be formed from water. This will improve the world economy, since fuel is the most important needs of mankind can be replaced with water.
3. Therapeutic Cloning
4. The spread of Wireless Internet Technology
5. Mobile Robots
Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has had a program since 2005 to hold the DARPA Chalenge (robot car contest). Car-nmobil without crew and without remote control. He can run a given task to deliver something to the destination by knowing the road map and it's subleties.
This machine is also equipped with sensors and positioning the super-sophisticated. The tool is able to explain all the characteristics of the environment through which to bring a given task.
6. Location-Based Computing
This technology has been developed by TED company where the project was developed by a young man from India, Pranav Mistry with a technology called sixth sense technology.
7. Desktop 3D Printing
8. The Hydrogen Economy
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