The pitch of these strange noises can irritate in a high, medium or low pitch. There can also be more various ways of how the noise can irritate for example the noise can be continuous or it may come and go.
What are the causes of tinnitus?
Tinnitus is not classified as a disease or an illness, it is referred to as a symptom generated within a persons own auditory pathways. Up to this day tinnitus has not had a precise cause but according to scientist they say it has to do with hearing deficits.
Who gets tinnitus?
Tinnitus in most cases are common in all age groups. Tinnitus can often occur after you are exposed to a loud noise but don’t be afraid because it is almost assured not to be a big problem. Scientists have studied to prove that tinnitus have occurred and can occur among all age groups and not only the elderly. Mild tinnitus is when you have been exposed to loud noises and there is no big threat to your well being as there is no danger. Mild tinnitus is very common and about 10 percent of the populations have reported to have it all the time.
Stop TinnitusIn conclusion tinnitus is the perception of sound in the human ear which can also be heard in the head but there is no external source for the sound. There are no serious causes of tinnitus according to research and tinnitus has the capability to occur among all age groups, throughout the youth and the elderly. If you have tinnituses try not to worry because the noise may get worse as you get more stressed.
Tinnitus Treatment
Tinnitus is a symptom and not in itself a disease. It is the result of a range of many underlying causes. These can be an indication of foreign objects or wax in the ear or ear infections. Allergies that affect the nose preventing fluid drain and cause wax build-up, or even an injury from loud noises can cause this. It is also a common side-effect of some medications.
Tinnitus can occur in one or both ears or even in the head. Usually it is a ringing noise. Some patients can get a different set of noises ranging from a roar, hiss, ringing or whooshing sounds in one of either ears or even in both and is referred to as tinnitus aurium, while others experience this in the head which is referred to as tinnitus cranii.
Most people with Tinnitus have difficulties in hearing external sounds that are in the same frequency as the ringing in their ears. Although the exact cause of Tinnitus is unknown there are many related factors. Usually Tinnitus has to do with abnormality of the hearing or neural system. Some identified causes could be disorders in the outer ear such as hair touching the ear drum, disorders in the outer ear as such, have negative pressure from fluid, infection or allergies and disorders in the inner ear such as loss of hearing caused by aging, exposure to noise, inner ear infection or Meniere’s disease which is often accompanied with hearing loss and dizziness.
You can minimize or prevent Tinnitus by reducing exposure to extremely loud noise, avoiding total silence, decreasing salt intake, monitoring the blood pressure, exercise, reducing fatigue and managing stress. When untreated Tinnitus can interrupt your sleep and become very frustrating.
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