Simply speaking it is the change in the normal bacteria of the vagina. There are two types of bacteria in your vagina – the good bacteria which is called the Lactobacilli and another type called Anaerobes. Vaginosis is caused by the over balance or too much of Anaerobes.
When there’s an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora, Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal infection. This is a disease that can only occur in women. This is caused when an unhealthy amount of bacteria infects the thin layer of tissue which covers the surface of your vagina or membrane.
Bacterial Vaginosis can also be identified as a mild infection in the vagina which is caused by a germ. Yeast infection, or infection with Trichomonas should not be confused with Vagilalis which are not caused by bacteria. It’s an inflammation which occurs in the vagina and includes several of the germs that cause bacterial Vaginosis yeast infections and Trichmoniasis. Bacterial Vaginosis is one of the most common vaginal infections effecting from 10 – 64% of the female population. It occurs more during the reproductive years of a woman, although women in all ages are also vulnerable to this infection which affects the vagina, urethra, bladder and skin in the genital area. It can also be seen in menopausal women and women who have had a hysterectomy.
Although it’s not a serious decease it can sometimes cause infections in the uterus and fallopian tubes. And it’s important that you get this treated as it can cause serious complications such as increased vulnerability to sexually transmitted deceases including HIV, and other complications for pregnant women. It increases risk of upper genital tract infections with severe consequences to fertility and outcome of pregnancy.
Some of the most common symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis are abnormal white vaginal discharge with an unpleasant, foul odor which most commonly can be explained as a ‘fishy’ odor. Most commonly this will be experienced after you have had sexual intercourse. Sometimes itching and/or burning might also accompany the infections but it’s not necessarily the only symptom.
The discharge could be clear or colored, light or heavy and will cover the walls of your vagina. The colors will vary from yellow to white. Also, accompanies with server stomach pains which would feel like stomach cramps. It is common that you may sometimes experience more than usual milky malodorous vaginal discharge which will get worse after sex.
It is also said that a new indicator of this infection is increased flatulence. There are even instances where some women have Bacterial Vaginosis without any symptoms. Most of the time women are not aware that they are diagnosed till they carry out a pelvic exam. These examinations should be carried out habitually. An important pointer to remember on the days prior to your visit to the gynecologist you should not use vaginal douches as they can hide the signs of infections also remember that it make the infection worse.
A healthy vagina normally has many bacteria’s. Some of the common ones are Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus jensenii. Lactobacillus which a hydrogen peroxide producing species, helps prevent other vaginal bacteria from increasing to a level that they can cause any harm. The bacteria involved in BV are different. And a change in the normal bacterial flora which may be due to the use of antibiotics or pH imbalance gives these bacteria’s to gain more foothold and multiply. When this happens the body produces toxins that will affect the natural defenses of the body and makes the re-colonization of healthy bacteria’s more difficult.
There are different causes for bacterial vaginosis. One of the most infamous causes are thongs as the cloth rubs against the anus and vagina. bacterial Vaginosis is most common with sexually active women between the ages of 15 and 44, especially after contact with a new partner. It is also shown that condoms may provide some protection. Although bacterial Vaginosis can be associated with sexual activity, there is no clear evidence of sexual transmission. So you don’t need to get your ex partners tested in case you have been infected with this decease.
But it is not necessary that you catch bacterial Vaginosis from someone. It is just an overgrowth of bacteria that are usually in the vagina. More sexually active women more likely sufferers, it also infects women who are not that sexually active. It is even possible for virgins to get infected with bacterial vaginosis.
Pregnant women and women with sexually transmitted infections are especially at risk for getting this infection. Also women after menopause could also be at risk for this infection. There’s also a theory women who have sex with women are in higher risk of getting BV due to the sexual exchange of vaginal discharge.

If the infection isn’t treated, the bacteria may get up into the uterus or the fallopian tubes and cause more serious infections. Which could also the increase the risk of sexually transmitted deceases such as HIV. Treating bacterial Vaginosis lowers this risk. Treatment becomes especially important if you are pregnant, since it could increase the risk of premature birth.
Bacterial Vaginosis is twice as common as thrush, and it is estimated that every one in three women will develop the condition at some point in their lives. In addition to the physical discomfort and symptoms, Bacterial Vaginosis can also have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life. You will need to treat it especially if you want to have a pleasant sexual life.
There are many treatments in the market place, but as you try all of them you will realize that nothing of it will provide a permanent solution to the problem. And now there is a cure. A permanent one. Simply follow this link and you will have the answer to all your problems.
You don’t need to worry about the antibiotics, the countless creams that do nothing to make it go away for ever. Although Bacterial Vaginosis is not life threatening it can cause other kinds of unpleasantness such as the order, the irritation and itchiness. The medication that the doctors provide can only give you a short-term remedy.
Taking antibiotics could make the bacteria in your vagina go away, but you also need the good bacteria, without them the situation will only get even worse. What antibiotics do is kill all the bacteria the good and the bad leaving nothing behind.
When there’s an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora, Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal infection. This is a disease that can only occur in women. This is caused when an unhealthy amount of bacteria infects the thin layer of tissue which covers the surface of your vagina or membrane.
Bacterial Vaginosis can also be identified as a mild infection in the vagina which is caused by a germ. Yeast infection, or infection with Trichomonas should not be confused with Vagilalis which are not caused by bacteria. It’s an inflammation which occurs in the vagina and includes several of the germs that cause bacterial Vaginosis yeast infections and Trichmoniasis. Bacterial Vaginosis is one of the most common vaginal infections effecting from 10 – 64% of the female population. It occurs more during the reproductive years of a woman, although women in all ages are also vulnerable to this infection which affects the vagina, urethra, bladder and skin in the genital area. It can also be seen in menopausal women and women who have had a hysterectomy.
Although it’s not a serious decease it can sometimes cause infections in the uterus and fallopian tubes. And it’s important that you get this treated as it can cause serious complications such as increased vulnerability to sexually transmitted deceases including HIV, and other complications for pregnant women. It increases risk of upper genital tract infections with severe consequences to fertility and outcome of pregnancy.
The discharge could be clear or colored, light or heavy and will cover the walls of your vagina. The colors will vary from yellow to white. Also, accompanies with server stomach pains which would feel like stomach cramps. It is common that you may sometimes experience more than usual milky malodorous vaginal discharge which will get worse after sex.
It is also said that a new indicator of this infection is increased flatulence. There are even instances where some women have Bacterial Vaginosis without any symptoms. Most of the time women are not aware that they are diagnosed till they carry out a pelvic exam. These examinations should be carried out habitually. An important pointer to remember on the days prior to your visit to the gynecologist you should not use vaginal douches as they can hide the signs of infections also remember that it make the infection worse.
A healthy vagina normally has many bacteria’s. Some of the common ones are Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus jensenii. Lactobacillus which a hydrogen peroxide producing species, helps prevent other vaginal bacteria from increasing to a level that they can cause any harm. The bacteria involved in BV are different. And a change in the normal bacterial flora which may be due to the use of antibiotics or pH imbalance gives these bacteria’s to gain more foothold and multiply. When this happens the body produces toxins that will affect the natural defenses of the body and makes the re-colonization of healthy bacteria’s more difficult.
But it is not necessary that you catch bacterial Vaginosis from someone. It is just an overgrowth of bacteria that are usually in the vagina. More sexually active women more likely sufferers, it also infects women who are not that sexually active. It is even possible for virgins to get infected with bacterial vaginosis.
Pregnant women and women with sexually transmitted infections are especially at risk for getting this infection. Also women after menopause could also be at risk for this infection. There’s also a theory women who have sex with women are in higher risk of getting BV due to the sexual exchange of vaginal discharge.
If the infection isn’t treated, the bacteria may get up into the uterus or the fallopian tubes and cause more serious infections. Which could also the increase the risk of sexually transmitted deceases such as HIV. Treating bacterial Vaginosis lowers this risk. Treatment becomes especially important if you are pregnant, since it could increase the risk of premature birth.
Bacterial Vaginosis is twice as common as thrush, and it is estimated that every one in three women will develop the condition at some point in their lives. In addition to the physical discomfort and symptoms, Bacterial Vaginosis can also have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life. You will need to treat it especially if you want to have a pleasant sexual life.
There are many treatments in the market place, but as you try all of them you will realize that nothing of it will provide a permanent solution to the problem. And now there is a cure. A permanent one. Simply follow this link and you will have the answer to all your problems.
You don’t need to worry about the antibiotics, the countless creams that do nothing to make it go away for ever. Although Bacterial Vaginosis is not life threatening it can cause other kinds of unpleasantness such as the order, the irritation and itchiness. The medication that the doctors provide can only give you a short-term remedy.
Taking antibiotics could make the bacteria in your vagina go away, but you also need the good bacteria, without them the situation will only get even worse. What antibiotics do is kill all the bacteria the good and the bad leaving nothing behind.
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